Dear reader,

Life is like an event full of dramas knowns as challenges. Some of these dramas can harm us so badly, that seeing something positive coming out of them seem next to impossible. We are hurt and pissed off with life. Aren’t we? The only thing left inside us is a big question of WHY ME??

But let us together visit our life’s manual and see the kind of people that God used to fulfil a certain purpose.

1. Moses: In the modern world, we would say that he was adopted for free. He didn’t know about his biological parents. We later read that, he was a murderer. He ran away from his adoption-parents after killing somebody and burying him in the sand. Talk of a WANTED CRIMINAL!!! Regardless of all these, God used him to free millions of people out of slavery.  What challenges must you face before God uses you to save just one life???

2. King David: This hero encourages me so much. Waaaaah, he had broken almost the half of the ten commandments. Thanks be to God, I am not as bad as he was. 😉 . Murdering, adultery, cheating…failing after failing. Do you think you are better off? Regardless of a messed-up past, he became a man after God’s own heart.  Would you be strong enough, even after making mistakes after mistakes to triumph over a lion – another challenge on your way? Learn from David the king.

I could go on and on. What challenges are you facing today? Do you have a messed up past and a questionable future? Whatever the answers you give to these questions, I trust that you are smart enough to see a blessing behind every challenge.

Let me promise you this one thing, you are not yet done with dramas. You will still face them in future. Use your challenges to learn a lesson, take advantage of it and utilise to step into your purpose.

Some of us have had a hard way to discover their purpose. So, when this guy in the pic below shared just a piece of his story with me, I couldn’t hold my tears any longer.  Read his story here (for English-speakers I can translate it, just request.)

I believe that no matter how we try to ignore it, God is always there, although unseen, to help us conquer these challenges.  Challenges gives us a better perspective about life, we are strengthened and we learn more skills to tackle a forthcoming challenge.

Sometimes I have a feeling that this is God’s style to shape us, before we discover our purposes and take full responsibility of them. Do you think like me?

What I admire most about Addy are his words that goes like this. “As long as blood flows through my body, I will always involve myself in helping needy people. Mostly homeless people and sexually abused kids” (*touched*.)  He has appeared three times in Guinness Book of world records – used his challenges to make a record in the world. He is now one of the best children’s-karate-trainer in Germany. Training kids to respect adults but WITHOUT FEAR!

Learn to deal with the internal obstacles first.  Fear, unforgiveness, insecurity, perfectionisms and Co.  Asking how? Hit my inbox or drop me a mail and together we will find a way!

I love you,
yours Grace.

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