Is life full of struggles?

Dear readers,

When I look back on my life I realized that in every stage I was, there was always something to struggle with. When I was a kid I struggled with learning how to become independent, from crawling to walking, not forgetting the many times I fell and injured myself so badly. Come to my school time where hardships and fighting through the days was normal.

I could hardly wait to be 18 years of age to escape those tough rules from my parents. (

Little did I know that the world of responsibilities was hungry waiting for me. Life did not get easier. Can you relate with this kind of life? Do you think like I thought , that life is ment to be full of struggles?

If you are not dealing with difficult co-workers, you are struggling to get along with your boss. Your bank account might be overflowing but you might be then struggling with your health, or you are trying to fix your marriage/family together. (Just to mention a few of the struggles)

What are you struggling with my dear friends? What is in your heart that makes you wake up on a wet pillow every morning?

Let me assure you, these hardships will always come. BUT if God is made the first priority in life, every storm will be calmed. God is everything. HE will give you a peace through the struggles, bring a meaning in your life, direct you to your purpose, with a great success through the hardships.

Do not just toil and work hard in your life alone. Toiling has too little gain and you might end up losing it all.

Listen, regardless of how tough your struggles are, leave them to God and rest in his sufficience grace. Make God your priority and play your part. HE will play his part and there is always a sunshine after the storm!

I love you,
Grace Albrecht


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