My Four Sevens (07.07.2017)

Hallo readers,

The today’s date is quite interesting, isn’t it? It’s the 07.07.2017. It has three SEVENs in it but I can see Four..

To me today is a very important day in my life and I feel a powerful desire to share with you my WHY.

Today being the 07.07.2017, it marks the seventh year since I lost the most important woman in my life – my mommy. So, the date today symbolizes 4 SEVENs in it to me. Ooh 7 is one of my best number.

I don’t have enough words to explain how it feels having lost somebody closest to you. This is one of the hardest moments to go through in life.

Anyone there understanding me?

So, like the saying goes, “The apple does not fall far from the tree, my mommy was the most inspiring person I ever met.  She was full of love, kindness and a heart of giving. She could bring strangers form the road with her at home, and gave them food, money, clothes, even to the extent of hospitality. Her deepest empathy for others gave her the nickname “Tabitha”.

Mommy, I do hope you can see the lady I turned to be.

You sacrificed your life to give your seven kids the best. (again another 7 comes in.) Through your efforts and the help from God, you turned your family from zero to hero. You are one the many precious gifts that God ever gave us.

Sometimes I do wish you can come back again and laugh with me like you did over the phone.
Nevertheless, I trust that you went to be with the Lord and that you are in a better place.

Is death not like any other process in life, that should be openly talked about?

Unfortunately, we hate to talk about death but it’s guaranteed that one day, you and I will die. People are dying now and then, and right this very minute. We even don’t want to think about it.

However, after every loss we are hurt so painfully. One loss will never prepare us not to grieve
for the next loss.

Mommy, since death robbed you from us, my life (though it took a while to heal) changed completely. I know that my life is not my own alone and I am not here to stay forever. My life is a gift from God and I appreciate living every day.

You could be reading this and you have perhaps lost a loved one. Regardless of how related you were to that person, death is disgusting and painful.

But listen, blessed are those who grieve for they shall be comforted. God is willing to heal your broken heart. Lean on God, let Him wipe every tear from your eyes.  I can encourage you with words but God will give you an inner peace that I can never give you.

Mommy, the fact that God has healed my heart does not mean that I don’t miss you. I sometimes have got those days where I just want to call you just to hear your voice again.

And mommy, my husband misses your delicious chicken which you brought with you at the airport when we came home.

Thank you so much for teaching me how to inspire others mommy.

As I make this last full stop, tears are running down my chicks because I miss you so much.
But I can still afford a smile on my wet face.

God is my refuge and my strength.

I love you,
yours Grace.

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2 thoughts on “My Four Sevens (07.07.2017)

  1. Benjamin Njoroge says:

    Its such a powerful message. Having lost a loved one I understand your pain but,as you say every loss has its unique pain and anguish.

    1. Grace says:

      Oh yes, we can never be prepared enough not to be hurt by the loss of loved ones.
      Kind regards Grace