What I would tell my younger self at eighteen!

Here are some of the things I would tell my younger self at eighteen!

1. I would never again try to master my life alone without God.  Yes, my life without God was made of hard work, tiresome days, fear, Sleepless long nights, toiling, and the worst of it all was that, the gain was so little.

2. I am not here to live a life of pleasing others.  Do not play your life stupid to be loved by others. Work on your best to be REAL in your true Identity and the right people will love you back.

3. I wish someone had told me the importance of “My Self” at the age of 18. Waaah, it’s a cruel world with a lot of responsibilities, but you are the source of everything and an expert of your own life. Whatever you are from the inside, will 100% determine how the world will respond back to you!

4. I would emphasize on the importance of taking risks. Success will never find you at your comfort zones. Breakthrough is mostly as result of risk-taking. Taking risks has made me grow, learn many things and gain a strong self-confidence.  Playing it safe will make you stuck and stagnant.

5. Other people may they be – a blood or non-blood relation – with me are very much important and everybody deserve to be respected. Despite the fact that you were born alone and will die alone, work on seeing you have a good relationship with ‘others’.

Fact is, we need each other, and you will always be somebody else to somebody else.

Finally, nothing would stop me for:


What would you tell your youngest self? Share it with us and let us learn something from each other.

Love you,
yours Grace

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2 thoughts on “What I would tell my younger self at eighteen!

  1. Grace says:

    You really inspires me much with your articles.

    1. Grace says:

      Thank you Ann. Remember not to stay only inspired but to take action
      and get to do what you got to do, to achieve your dreams.
      stay blessed.