Serving The Lord Is Serving Others.

One of my greatest desire is to serve the Lord all the days of my life. I can speak with great confidence, that it amazes me How God has really worked on me. My journey to my self-discovery has been tough but finding the new me is the best gift I have ever received. You see, there is so much about yourself that can only be discovered by you, and its incredible what we are capable of.

But serving the Lord isn’t always as easy as some of us represent it outside there. It can be accompanied by some difficulties and doubts with a lot of WHYs, test, where tons of patience is required. Nevertheless, don’t be worn out, your determination and labour in serving the Lord is extremely rewarding.

I believe it is impossible to truly serve God and His children if you have not yet discovered yourself and your identity. Never Ever, and if you are not careful you can find yourself driving north instead of south.

Serving the Lord has made me trade my selfishness for selflessness. It has made me learn how to attentively listen and encourage people who have been hearing an earthquake in their hearts. I have learned how to Godly influence others in my leadership position. I have hosted people who have been fighting painful battles inside of them in silence. Ooh what a blessing to see their souls being restored to wholeness. Priceless and Glory be to God.

We are all talented differently, and serving the Lord simply means serving others by using your God given talents. Whichever the way you are called to serve the Lord either by writing, encouraging, teaching, giving, or be a stay-at-home mom, you should do it with gladness only seeking to please the Lord. Don’t buy that lie of seeking to be famous and popular in the name of “God is using you.” Examine your motives.

There are times in my life when I have gone through crises. Where I felt like I didn’t have enough testimonies. One of these times was recently, a crisis between reality and the Word of God after I lost two people, at only their 60’s and 70’s years of age. Although I know that I have the power and authority this time around I felt powerless.

You see, even though God has shown you a clear vision of His purpose on you, don’t expect it to be easy. Remember that your enemy will never go on holidays. In fact, he will make sure he is working overtime to stop you from fulfilling God’s purpose. He does this by bringing obstacles on your way, as well as some disappointments and discouragements.

In my crisis above, I felt very much disappointed. I had a lot of unanswered why’s. But I am grateful to God for using me to serve them, nurse them till their last breath and close their eyes.  It’s a privilege that their loved ones could lean on my shoulder even though I felt weak.

Points to ponder:

1. You can’t truly serve the Lord if you don’t know who you are. A self-discovery journey is one great thing to do if you want to live a fulfilled life.

2. Serving the Lord is not like walking on a red carpet. It has some challenges and you might need to wipe others their tears away, while yours are nonstop freely flowing.

3. Seek to serve the Lord with gladness, all for His glory with no personal strings attached.

4.Your enemy is never going on vacation, he will try to do his best to make sure that God’s purpose fails. Be alert and don’t allow him to stop you.

Reflect: Are you serving the Lord? Do you really know who you are? Do you have a question? Don’t hesitate to contact me at

Always with love,
yours Grace

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