My Journey Finding My Purpose.

Hallo readers,

have you ever asked yourself the reason why you are here on this planet earth? Why do you occupy that specific space anyway?

If your answer is yes, let me welcome you in my boat.

I thought I had discovered my purpose on the job I did, only to find out that there was a different and a unique reason as to why I existed.

It was rooted so deep inside of me that life was a matter of only focusing on goals and dreams, to find happiness. Although I achieved most of my goals successfully, I still felt some emptiness in me. I was exhausted and life felt meaningless.

I wanted to do more but I was not sure in which direction.  Terrifying, isn’t it?

I will share with you the steps I took, to finally find the right direction to my life’s purpose.

1. Even though I felt like God had forgotten me in finding my purpose, I still had a strong desire of seeking Him. I knew that He created each one of us in His Own Image, and fulfill a certain purpose. It would be of disgrace if He allowed me to miss my purpose. Do you think like me? This gave me hope and I knew that God will never frustrate me.  I kept seeking Him!

2. Self-discovery. Let me confess it to you that I was broken, frustrated, embarrassed and faced a lot of disappointments. I lived a life of compromising, thus being stuck and messy. I just existed and sympathised with what others wanted me to do. I reached to that point where enough was extremely enough, and I was fed up with a life of “what if” and regrets. You can’t build your purpose on a fake, weak and a toxic foundation. You have to be real. God is ready to transform you and make a diamond out of you.  I allowed Him to transfrom me!

3.Career vs Purpose. I discovered the difference between these two things. Life purpose is much bigger than your career. We waste a lot of our precious time looking for perfect jobs. But at the end of it all, if we truly listened to our hearts, we still have a feeling of dissatisfaction. Questions like, “what do I enjoy serving” and “what do I care about”, helped me to tap into my purpose.

However, you can use your career like a playground, where you exercise your purpose. My career as a head-nurse helped me to exercise how to communicate with people of different personalities, how to encourage others with different challenges and many more. I have had the opportunity to exercise humbleness and love, till they became my first name. You were created to do more in life than a 9-5hrs job! Go for it, just like I did!

4. Identifying the limitations that held me back. I had to deal away with the spirit of fear which also stole away my self-confidence. I came up with a lot of excuses as to why I never got started. Keep doing that what you fear most. ( See more in my blog-articles on perfectionism, Self-doubt, Comparison)

5. Connecting the dots. It is not in my career that I was great in, but in my art of communicating with others, my way of serving patients and my workmates, my joy in encouraging, motivating and inspiring others. This is what I love doing. When I connected them altogether, I found out that I can write inspirational articles, tell stories and make a transformation speech. “See me tapping my purpose”.

Fact is, you are here to fulfill a certain purpose. You have something greater to offer than your career. You are unique with a special gift. For God knew you, even before you were formed in your mom’s womb. Get it right! It doesn’t matter if you are as result of rape, an unwanted child, divorce-kids etc. God wanted to get you in this planet earth, with a plan to prosper you.  Your how “you landed here” should not limit you, to live your purpose.

Are you living your purpose? Do you feel confused like I was? Drop me a mail and let us discuss it.

God loves you.

Yours Grace


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2 thoughts on “My Journey Finding My Purpose.

  1. Grace says:

    This is so amazing am in the process of fulfilling my purpose may God help me to overcome the fear. Thanks for this I really needed to hear this
    Hugs Grace

    1. Grace says:

      Dear Grace,
      Amen. God is ready and willing to help you.
      He created you with a reason, and He is God, He
      does not lie. He has a big mission with you.
      Best regards Grace