Perfectionism Syndrome
Hallo readers,
This article is only for imperfect people. Do you qualify? If yes, please continue reading. The rest of the perfect world can stop reading. 😉
Are you that one person who doesn’t allow a room for mistakes?
When I was growing up, I remember how one was celebrated for being the best, or for being successful. In my school time, you were also rewarded for being the top in the class. I remember how some teachers would punish those who failed in some subjects. The importance was emphasized on being the teachers best.
By then, this helped me to achieve good school academics, because my strive was in getting higher grades. However, I have realized that this had affected my life even after having cleared school. Can you understand me?
I was looking to be perfect in everything that I did. I was so sensitive to mistakes. I therefore, preferred to do only those things that I knew I was good at. I was afraid of what could happen, if I tried something new.
I hope I can speak for the many people who are struggling with perfectionism.
We all have weaknesses and strengthens. Nobody is perfect. Perfectionism is a learned pattern of living, which can, on the hand, be unlearned. Praise God!
My perfectionism got worst when I started working. These are the most difficult people to deal with. It was so hurting for my workmates and for myself as well. I couldn’t understand why others did things in a different style than mine. I mean, my style was the most perfect. “poor me by then”
Do you have such kind of workmates? Please raise a voice to God for them to be delivered out of this trap.
perfectionism will only drain your energy out.
I don’t know about you, but if there is a time that I was stuck in my life is when I was trying to be perfect. You see, you are so concerned about the results, you are afraid to fail, so, you end up not taking risks. You want to please everyone. You therefore, neglect your own thinking and your own creativity. You keep postponing things and you never get your tasks accomplished.
Parents listen, don’t support those teachers who are punishing your children for not being good at school. Today, most of those students strive to avoid experiencing this pain by indulging in perfectionism. They don’t want to be punished for not doing things perfectly, they want to avoid the pain of failing, they are unhappy and frustrated. I am still waiting for that moment where a school system that is focused in chasing talents and purposes in it’s students, to finally get legalised.
Perfectionism is life threatening! Is this what you want for your kids?
How did I get out of this trap?
Well, God jailed me in his mercy. I surrendered all to Him. His love goes beyond my limits. And there is nothing I can do, to separate me from His love, not even perfectionism. Why bother being perfect? Let this sink in your mind!
God makes us perfect in His own perfect way.
I am not here to please others, and I can’t be everybody’s darling. I realized the power of frequency. I started doing those things that I was afraid to fail in, till I had confidence to the extent of feeling comfortable even after making mistakes. Blogging is one of my example!
I have learned to step out of my own captive by believing in myself. (
You are amazing the way you are. Accept yourself and love yourself the way you are. (
Those are my top principles that helped me to deal with perfectionism.
The reason as to why I am sharing this with you is because I have a confession to make. I have lost a loved one – a friend through perfectionism. It pains me so deeply in my hurt. Fear paralysed his life and he found himself good for nothing. He finally committed suicide!
Grace is not perfect and that is not my goal either!
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I love you,
yours Grace.
#perfect #perfectionism #selfLove
Thanks for sharing your story,it means a lot to me. Stay blessed dear
Dear Cynthia,
Thank you for that great feeback.
It is a blessing.
Best of regards
Really nice article I wish they can change that system in Kenya n concentrate more on talents rather than grades! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thank you Grace.