The Self-Doubt Syndrome!

Hallo readers,

Tell me this could be YOU today! Somebody just reminded me of how I was coward during my school time.
For sure, I was!

This is what my inner voice kept saying to me: “I am a failure, I can’t make it, I can never be better, what will other say about me, I am not good enough, it is not my thing, I am not sure, may be,” to an endless list.

Is that what your inner voice is whispering into your ears today?

This stupid inner voice criticized me more than the half of my life. Oh God, how terrible.

And if one is not careful, self-doubt can become a part of you. You end up believing  in the self-defeat prophesy about yourself.

I doubted almost everything about me. I doubted my ability to do anything, I doubted if I was admirable, I doubted even what I thought, I doubted my choices and my chances. I finally found myself getting nothing started and was so much afraid of taking risks.

The same somebody went on and asked what I did to conquer the coward-ness? “She can hardly believe it is me today” Of course, that was the un-expressed version of the person I wanted to become.

Firstly, the only “I” that exist is “ME”. Do you get it? You are a walking miracle and unique. There is no any other “YOU” that will ever exist. God who is our Father created YOU and I in His Own Image. So, we have His likeness. “let this sink in your mind”

Most of the times, self-doubt is a consequent of fear. I had to push myself to do those things that I feared most. Take a moment and think of the things you fear? What comes in your mind? We think of the outcome as a negative result, right? Overcome your fear by doing the things you fear most often. Take the skills you need to gain more self-confidence.

For my case, I realised how the opinion of others influenced my ability of living my purpose. For instance, the teachers confirmed it to me that I was not better than the student who scored 90% in one subject, just because I scored slightly above the average. So, I ended up striving to be what others expected me to be, which made me start looking for my purpose in the world.

Your purpose is your calling and it is the answer to what you feel passionate about. This can only be found in YOU and not in the world! “what do you feel passionate about?”

Don’t let this destructive feeling about yourself, hold you back from living the full expression of your great self!

I love you,
yours Grace

#Doubts #doubt #purpose #passion #passionate

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